Additional Web Resources

Overeaters Anonymous

Main Website for OA World Service Office. You can get literature, find meetings of all types
including online meetings. You can ask questions or simply listen to their podcasts.
Check it out.

Overeaters Anonymous Region One

Overeaters Anonymous Region One consists of OA groups, inter-groups and members in:
Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia,
Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan and Yukon. If you’re able to be a virtual sponsor or
are looking for a virtual sponsor, please
sign up on the Find A Sponsor link here.

Oregon OA Intergroup

OA Intergroup for Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington.

Greater Seattle Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous

Website for OA in the Greater Seattle area.

San Francisco Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous

Website for OA in the Greater San Francisco Bay area.

Los Angeles Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous

The L.A. area intergroup has made numerous speaker tapes available online for anyone to download.

Resources for men in OA.

Virtual Region of OA

The Virtual Region (VR) is a service body that supports Overeaters Anonymous (OA) virtual meetings (telephone, online,  and non-real-time meetings)  and  OA Virtual Intergroups (VIG).